Pureleverage, and Gvo have always been part of the
steps, and both programs offer many tools that are
essential to building your business. One of those
tools is web hosting you get with your GVO account
which is also part of path 2 now, and is now in the
income downline builder.
Web hosting allows you to do many things online, that
without it you would never be able to do, like host
images, web pages, websites, splash pages, squeeze
pages etc..It is fundamentally necessary to build a
successful business online. Without it, I would not be
where I am today personally, and believe I can safely
say the same as well for Brenda. Because number one
you can not be very creative without it, number two,
you are missing out on the best way to brand yourself
and change your advertising at will. The best branding
I ever created was branding my own name, which is the
domain I use to host all my squeeze pages I create and
these are the pages that most of you see me advertise,
because I have hosting at GVO. Through branding
yourself, when someone runs across your name, they can
go and do a search in the search engines and type in
your name, and if you have secured your own name as a
domain, they will find you, or your business. I can
not stress this enough, everyone should own their name
as a domain.
So with that all being said, our good friend and
fellow YourEightStep Team member Carol Walczak just
released her new ebook: How To Make and Host Your Own
Splash And Squeeze Pages.
And this is exactly what we want people to know how to
do in YourEightSteps, because anytime then you can
change your squeeze page, or page that is not
converting well, no problem just create a new page.
Carol explains this extremely well and makes it simple
with her new ebook.
It is a must for any marketer! This is one of things
that over the years has helped double and triple my
income, changing my squeeze pages at will and knowing
how to do this.
And this ebook is easy to understand information,
totally explained.
Even if you already know how to create and host your
own pages, still grab a copy, because it’s
This is perfect to help anyone make more money online.
Something we do not hesitate to recommend.
So it is added to the recommended programs downline
builder as well and step 7 in path 1, and step 8 in
path 2. So dont delay log into
http://youreightsteps.com and get your own copy and you
will be making your own pages lickity split!
Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus
P.S. Remember we promote for our YourEightSteps Team, we send these emails to your downline on your behalf, so make sure and take action when we send these to you. We are working tirelessly to put your name in lights! We are building our business together…If you do not follow our instructions you are missing automated referrals and commissions.