Well the good news is, if you follow Youreightsteps and
implement what we teach you through the steps, and do not
quit…You Will Make Money!!
It has been a very exciting Year so far, very exciting…
We have people in our downlines who are on the leader boards for
many programs… Because they are building their list, and are
creating funnels for all that they promote..They are not trying
to recreate the wheel..
Email marketing..
Yes…list building
and building your list..
Follow up..
Follow through..
why does it work..
because you can email your list and communicate..
Log in..Follow the steps and build your list..
You have seen it, heard it, read it a million times…Take
action and do it, and never stop, and this year will be your
best ever online.
It is not the opportunity that will make you the money, it is
the process, and only the process..
Without the process, you will never make money..
How do we build thousands of downline members in programs, we
build our list, and send all of our traffic to our squeeze pages
(opt-in pages) then we follow up with them, by sending them an
email through our autoresponders..
Lots of TRAFFIC + squeeze pages + email follow up = FREEDOM
Freedom from a job, freedom from financial stress, freedom from
time constraints…
I don’t care how long it takes you to build a good responsive
list, just please do it…
Action..Take action, action, action…
We have the best members and team online, we have many great
leaders..who are the best!!
Here is my skype richard.weberg I am in the US. add me as a
contact and I will add you to our skype group or here is
Brenda’s cash2day78
reach out to either one of us and we will add you to the group.
This is your chance..You found it, now do something with it!!
To Your Success And Happiness
Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus