Could you imagine if everyone followed instructions?

Holy crap, the money people would make!!! Seriously, its the

What is the best way to market online, and get real results?

Now with that in mind, there are not so good ways to promote
things and much better ways to do so, we always teach email
marketing because it is what set us free, anything that helps us
become a better email marketer we go after, and teach.

You have two routes you can go about promoting any program
online including Youreightsteps, one of which is directly, this
is the not so good way, because it is the follow up that gets
most people to join Youreightsteps or any program or buy any
product, and not advertising your program or sales pages
directly, its why 99.9% of all my traffic is always directed to a
squeeze page (opt-in page, capture page) and then my
autoresponder goes to work and follows up with them via email

So a sales or marketing funnel goes like this, first off, all
someones traffic should be sent to a squeeze page, this is where your advertising
and traffic should be sent to. This example is a squeeze
page from your Youreightsteps members area, we show you step by step how to
tie this in to an autoresponder.

Then after they opt-in they see this, the landing page (your affiliate link) where
they are immediately directed to, after entering their
information in the above squeeze page. Now some people will immediately
sign up in YourEightSteps , some will not, and see if you did not
advertise a squeeze page first, then you can not follow up with
them, so your advertising would be wasted.

See in this example Youreightsteps direct link is immediately shown to them
after they opt-in, This is a type of sales process or funnel.
You can also follow up with people via email now, because you put
them on your list first..By sending all your traffic to a squeeze
page first, this is how you should advertise the correct way,
this is the right process.

If you do not build your email list first with your traffic,
there is no follow up. Now if you advertise directly your
Youreightsteps main affiliate link only, you are not capturing
peoples emails to follow up with them. See most people never
join something immediately after seeing it, it takes a few
follow up emails for them to join, or buy and follow through.

WALMART USE autoresponders.
Their business online would be
nothing without them.

This is how marketing online is done correctly, and why certain
people make LOTS of money online, and why many others make
hardly nothing. And why list building is the single most
important thing you can do to make money online.

Because you can follow up with them, via your
autoresponder…This is the key!

This example above is how all successful marketing
online is done, it does not matter what you are selling or promoting.
You would of course just have different information on your pages.

Traffic + Your Squeeze page + affiliate page + Your Follow Up =

Traffic + Only main affiliate page + No Follow Up = Failure

With all that being said, I hope you take our advice seriously
because we are only trying to help you succeed. Everything we
tell you to do, we do, so please take our advice and log into
Youreightsteps, and follow the steps one by one, get your
autoresponder set up and start building your own list, and your
business the correct way.

Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus