**We need your help**
We sent an email out a while ago, explaining we are going to be
putting up a brand new index page for Your eight steps, this means
as well your main affiliate link will be new as well…
Now what we need help for, is most of the testimonials on our
current index page are old. And we are looking for some brand
new ones, but these ones we would like to be video testimonials.
So we are asking any member who would be interested in doing a
video testimonial for Your Eight Steps to please submit one to us
Now these video testimonials do not have to be long, or perfect.
We are looking for real, genuine, truthful testimonials from
members who have benefited from YourEightSteps and the support
and training we have provided.
Your testimonial should answer some basic questions like.
1. How have you benefited from our training and support
2. Any results that you have had thus far
3. Do we pay on time, and have you earned commissions
4. What was your experience before you started
5. Did we help you learn how to do something you never knew how
to do before.
And of course you should provide your name and who you are..And
anything else you feel is relevant to someone who is new or
looking at Your eight steps for the first time.
Do not be afraid to do a video if you never have before, like I
said we are not looking for perfection..We do not want phony, or
fake..It needs to be from real people in the trenches going
after there goals and dreams.
Doing a video and uploading it to youtube is very simple, most
players after you record have the option built right in to load
it to your youtube account. And doing this video will brand you,
and help get you known as a leader.
Conquering your fears is what will make you successful..
Okay we are counting on you now, to get us your video
testimonial, this helps every member in Youreightsteps to build
their business.
Together we will accomplish great things!!
Send your video link to admin@youreightsteps.com
Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus
P.S. Did you know that in the pro squeeze page section in Your Eight Steps you can replace the video in squeeze page 5 with a video of you talking?