We have added two new programs to the Your Eight Steps downline builders..

In case you missed our last emails the last several weeks..
We have added two new programs to the Your Eight Steps downline builders..

So your going to want to run real quick and log in..

And go to the traffic exchange and banner & text ad exchanges downline builders
and join under your sponsor, and then make sure your referral ids are in place.

The two awesome programs we have added, are Surf Girl Traffic,
and 123 Leap Frog. Surf Girl traffic is owned by Acorn Marketing,
which are fellow Your Eight Steps members and good friends Bo Tipton
& Carol Walczak own.

123 Leap Frog is owned by long time loyal member and good friend,
Steve Laycock, both programs are totally awesome and you should really get on board!

Downline builders are a fantastic way to multiply and build residual traffic and commissions
without doing any extra work. See when you have followed our instructions in Your Eight Steps, you have the opportunity to build traffic, downline and commissions in 40 programs..every time you refer just 1 person.

Downline builders work! I have been on the top of leader boards before without ever directly promoting a program, because of downline builders like ours. I get multiple commissions from stuff, I do not even remember joining.

Because..I fill out the downline builders, and work the Your Eight Steps system..

You will always see my name some where on the top of our Your Eight Steps leader board, Your Eights has been responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in commissions in my pocket, because I work the system exactly as we share with you to do.

That’s why I keep referring people to Your Eight Steps, month after month..

If it didn’t work, I wouldn’t do it…

Time to get a rock’in my friends!!

Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus

We just implemented a new feature..

Okay my friends, we just implemented a new feature..

We can now send out emails with links in them, and have
total downline integrity!

Brenda the wizard has done it again..

So log in http://youreightsteps.com NOW! And get your ids
in place for ALL PROGRAMS, because we can now send out
emails with links in them for specific programs, and it
will be your link..It will pull from the downline builders
your ids when we send out the emails..

This means we can send out promotional emails to your
referrals about any program, and the link will be yours,
but only if you have your ids in place for the program in
the downline builders..This includes free members..

And if you do not have your ids in place for the specific
program we send an email out about, it will pass up to the
next available person who does..

Another way we can help you build your business, and
remember we are the only program online who does not steal
your downline, we build our business the exact same way we

So if you have your ids in place when we send out the
emails, and you have downline, they will join the program
underneath of you, not us!!

We want you to be successful, so for those of you who do
not put your ids all in place and follow our instructions,
hey thanks for the commissions ahead of time, because many
of you do not realize the extant of what we do for you..
So again thank you for the commissions!!

Get committed and build your business, log in and follow
our instructions, we want you to win..

Richard Weberg and Brenda de Reus

P.S. Congratulations to the following members who made a commitment to them selves and to building their business to a much higher level!! The following people have all joined us as Elite members..

David Hunter
Jerome Seton
Hitesh Sangani
Ingvild Moe-Behrens
Guillermo Agodong
Jakob Wezelenburg
Larry Chamberlain
Lucienne Fleury
Graeme Little
Thomas Powell
Frances Buchanan
Eugene Walter
Wim Saelmans
Douglas Clarke
Digokgwe Mokone
Silver Silviano Rodriguez
Steven Laycock
Angela Porter
Bernd Braun


Very important..log in right now http://youreightsteps.com and make sure that in ALL the downline builders you have only entered your ids, and not the whole urls. Brenda just checked the data base and many people have put the whole urls even though in the instructions it clearly explains not to.

**IMPORTANT!!! ONLY enter your referral id’s in the downline builder. NOT your entire referral link!
Example: http://www.trafficwitch.com/?rid=3142 this is my referral url for TrafficWitch, the number at the end is my id 3142 this is what you would enter in the downline builder. Sometimes the id will be your username.

You only put the id from the end of the referral link or username, some programs go by your username.

You will not get referrals to your programs in the downline builder if you have put the whole link in.

**Also You can now log in and see the contest details.

Go to the RACE To 5,000 Referral Contest, Tab at the top. We are very excited to launch our new contest, its our first ever! We are giving away cash to the winners!

We have meticulously built our system, and spent most of the time getting everything just right, before having a referral contest, because we want you to make the most money possible..

We have also added by request a new squeeze page
for pro members, here is your new page, just add your id to the end of it. http://youreightsteps.com/squeezes/prosqueeze_04.php?rid=

You can also find it by going to the pro squeeze page tab, and scrolling down to the bottom.

And counting down…4 more days to save yourself money and get upgraded before we raise the price! On November 1st the upgrade will increase to $97.00 onetime payment or $9.97 monthly…So log in http://youreightsteps.com and get upgraded now.

Pro members get 50% commissions, versus free only get 10% here is the difference. A pro member would make $48.50 off the new $97.00 onetime payment. A free member would make $9.70. Plus now with the monthly you will make residuals. November 1st is going to be an epic day!!

Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus

Build Your Business At Lightning Speed!

Okay…today we added the pro bonus step, log in now http://youreightsteps.com and go see your bonus step and get ready to build your list and get referrals at lightning speed!!

This is another advantage to being a pro member at YourEightSteps…You will not see this new page if you are not upgraded.

Take a look at this image, this is what will happen when you follow the steps, and take sound advice..This is from only the last hour and a half from one of my inboxes.

**Very Important Note for all members make sure when you are filling out the downline builders in YourEightSteps you are only putting your id or username in the space. Do not put the whole url.

http://www.trafficwitch.com/?rid=3142 this is my referral url for TrafficWitch, the number at the end is my id 3142 this is what you would enter only, not the whole url. Sometimes the id will be your username. The system will not read the whole url, and you will lose referrals.

Also we updated the home page today, this is the page you land on after logging in, so check it out..

**Another Note: Empower Networks Cart will reopen on the 18th, make sure your ready to join fully then, get in right away, the new blogging system is absolutely incredible! People are making a killing with this launch. For now go to step number 7 and you can watch a video showing off the new features, then click on the banner on that step and get signed up to get on the early bird list for any new announcements…I can not stress this enough, you do not want to miss out on this. If the site doesnt load right away, just wait a while and try again, their servers are getting crushed with traffic right now!!

We are cranking along, come join us if you have not started the steps yet, we are here to help you, join our skype group from the home page and we can chat directly with you.

“You can either be in the parade of life, or watch it go by”


Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus

YourEightSteps~Grow Your Business At Lightning Speed!

Today we would like to let you know a few things about your business, and why YourEightSteps is like rocket fuel to really get it off the ground and moving fast.

1. Communication: We as owners of YourEightSteps, communicate with members on a regular basis, we keep you updated of every change. We also email your downline for you on your behalf, we encourage them to follow the system and join the programs underneath you.

**A Side Note, you want to make sure, that as a YourEightSteps member that you have all your IDS in place for all the programs and you are upgraded in YourEightSteps, because every email we send goes to all your downline, and if your ids are not in place you may lose out big time. Some of these programs pay pass up and down in depth, so if you pass on one super star because your ids are not in place, this may cost you literally THOUSANDS in residual commissions..

2. Affiliate tools: We are constantly adding to, and creating more marketing material for you and your downline, so you do not have to. Even our free members have access to more than any other program online.

** A Side Note, in fact we have just added another splash page for you, here is your link.
http://youreightsteps.com/c_splash3.php?rid=(yourid Goes here)

3. List Building: We strive to help you build your email list bigger and faster, once again by providing you with the proper tools and material to do so.

**Side Note, we provide you with plug and play squeeze pages.(just add autoresponder code)

4. Bonuses: We give all our members bonuses for joining, in the form of product downloads. Also We have gone out of our way and used our connections to secure special upgrades and out right free traffic credits for our pro members.

**Side Note, If you have not upgraded yet, you are missing out, these special deals and free traffic credits are worth way more than what we charge for the one time 59.00 upgrade in Youreightsteps. (this price is going up very soon)

5. Help And Support: We are here to help you, we do not hide from you, we give you four ways to contact us.

a. Direct support form located in your members area.
b. Our Skype group, access from the members area.
c. Our Facebook support page.
d. Our Blog.

**Side Note, we answer everyone no matter how small a question, we want you to know we are here to help you. Also if you are not using skype to build your business, you are making a big mistake, it is one of the best tools for communicating with your partners and contacts. You can talk to anyone anywhere in the world for free via live talk or text instantly!

Just go to skype.com and download to your computer.

2013 really can be a life changing year for anyone, just log in http://youreightsteps.com and start following the steps, we will be here to help you.

There is no better system out there, and we are only going to improve, We challenge you to really go through each step and implement them and you will see.

P.S. Remember every email we send goes to your downline, they are going to read this..So take action, and do not lose out on commissions and referrals.

Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus

Why Youreightsteps Works?

What is “Youreightsteps”?

It is a funnel, and a system..

Designed to help you produce thousands of visitors a day to your urls, and opt-in pages, by utilizing and leveraging your time, and money, then multiplying it into more time and money for you.


Building your downline in traffic resources such as safelist and traffic exchanges, by advertising one link, your affiliate links for Youreightsteps. Without a system or funnel you can not do this, you would be trying to advertise every referral link for the programs you would like to promote separately. Utilizing a downline builder is how you leverage your time and multiply it into many of you.

Its duplicate-able and simple, it is why it works so well. I use the exact same system and promote my referral url the same as you, my inbox is literally flooded with commission and referral notifications every single day, in what I consider the best traffic resources online. Why are they the best?

1. You can build residual traffic overtime, no longer have to work for it

2. You will make these resources into paying income streams, so now your traffic pays you in traffic and commissions.

Where else can you do this??

Google adwords-No. Can only purchase ads
Seo-No. One Google change or slap AND ITS ALL OVER BUT THE CRYING
Buying solo ads to other peoples list-NO. Most can not afford them in the beginning, and they will never turn around and pay you for using their list, you only pay them.
Facebook-No. You can only buy ads from them.

This is one of the reasons why Youreightsteps is so powerful, you build residual traffic that pays you, anybody who says traffic exchanges and safelist don’t work, absolutely does not know what they are talking about, and does not know the proper way to market in them. I have been using them for almost 10 years now successfully. There are a lot of marketing techniques, all require time to master them, how do you shortcut the learning curve, by using a successful system where someone has mapped it all out for you.

So what else does Youreightsteps do for you??

Teaches you how to build your email list, using traffic exchanges and safelist to advertise in, if you do not learn email marketing and building tons of traffic, you will never make much money online, if any. Literally, I tried everything else out there, email marketing is how you eventually get to $1000, $2500, $5000, $10000, $20000 a month income. If you do not build your list you will never EVER see these numbers, well not with real money that you can put in your bank.

We also give you the best income programs online to build massive residual income in, by promoting one link, and these programs have the tools you absolutely need in order to produce a living online. All with a 100% payout.

All you have to do is follow the 8 steps, each and everyone of them, they all work together to give you the simplest, fastest, easiest to understand and implement get to your goals and dreams system ever!!

What can I say….Don’t shortcut the system, this will cost you time and money, follow us, follow as we do, and you will make it, you will build your way into the 5% club, the ones who make it. 95% fail, because they do not have a system or refuse to follow one, don’t reinvent the wheel, we have already tried that and it didn’t work.

Get committed and stay focused and 2013 will be your best year ever!!

Richard Weberg & Brenda de Reus

P.S. please dont forget to like our brand new Facebook support page!


YourEightSteps Now Has Bigger Commissions!

Thats the good news!

The one time upgrade has now gone up to 59.95, so this means commissions are now higher for every one..

This is a temporary price, its going up again and very soon. Once we get all the improvements in place, the price will go up to 97.00 one time payment.

So we just want to give anyone still thinking about upgrading time to do it before we increase the price again.

Log in and see the new changes, we are working on stuff daily, and its only going to get better and better!! Make sure you have all your Id’s in place in the downline builders as well.


We are moving and a shak’in!! You havnt seen nothing yet!!

We are going to rock this! 2013 will be your Year!

Richard Weberg & Brenda de Reus

P.S. please dont forget to like our brand new Facebook support page!


Also here is a swipe copy you can use to send out to your list, or use in safelist.

Subject:You Will Earn Income Very Fast!!

Email body:

When You Know The Secret…

The Secret is….The Right
Tools, Training & Support!

Get a HUGE arsenal of Professional online marketing tools the pro’s are using.
Get unsurpassed support.
Get training available like you’ve never seen.
Build residual traffic and commissions
Simple directions..step by step

Our program is needed by anyone building an internet business.

Take a look here now.
(YourEightsteps affiliate link Put here)

(Your Name)