Okay…today we added the pro bonus step, log in now http://youreightsteps.com and go see your bonus step and get ready to build your list and get referrals at lightning speed!!
This is another advantage to being a pro member at YourEightSteps…You will not see this new page if you are not upgraded.
Take a look at this image, this is what will happen when you follow the steps, and take sound advice..This is from only the last hour and a half from one of my inboxes.
**Very Important Note for all members make sure when you are filling out the downline builders in YourEightSteps you are only putting your id or username in the space. Do not put the whole url.
http://www.trafficwitch.com/?rid=3142 this is my referral url for TrafficWitch, the number at the end is my id 3142 this is what you would enter only, not the whole url. Sometimes the id will be your username. The system will not read the whole url, and you will lose referrals.
Also we updated the home page today, this is the page you land on after logging in, so check it out..
**Another Note: Empower Networks Cart will reopen on the 18th, make sure your ready to join fully then, get in right away, the new blogging system is absolutely incredible! People are making a killing with this launch. For now go to step number 7 and you can watch a video showing off the new features, then click on the banner on that step and get signed up to get on the early bird list for any new announcements…I can not stress this enough, you do not want to miss out on this. If the site doesnt load right away, just wait a while and try again, their servers are getting crushed with traffic right now!!
We are cranking along, come join us if you have not started the steps yet, we are here to help you, join our skype group from the home page and we can chat directly with you.
“You can either be in the parade of life, or watch it go by”
Richard Weberg And Brenda de Reus